Ivy Lets - Our Apartments

Property Location: Property County:
Property Type: Holiday Property: Property To Let: All:
Number of Bedrooms:    
   Cadzow Lodge
Cadzow Lodge
Description: This Property has now been converted into two dwellings and still has original internal and external features, with its magnificent sandstone exterior. This upper apartment has been luxuriously renovated, taking care to maintain the historical detail which is ref....
Property Type: Property To Let
Deposit Required: 0.00
Monthly Price: 750.00
Holding deposit: 0.00
Location/County: Hamilton, Lanarkshire
Bedrooms: 3
Price & Availability: [check Cadzow Lodge now]
   Hay Street
Hay Street
Description: Description of Property Stunning Victorian upper apartment with beautiful original features. With a huge garden and the North Inch Park a minute away, this is a real country retreat whilst being a short walk away from Perth Cit....
Property Type: Property To Let
Deposit Required: 0.00
Monthly Price: 1400.00
Holding deposit: 0.00
Location/County: Perth, Perthshire
Bedrooms: 4
Price & Availability: [check Hay Street now]
   Saffronhall Lane
Saffronhall Lane
Description: Description of Property Conveniently placed for Hamilton town centre, this ground floor flat has a modern and comfortable interior. It has been recently refurbished with a contemporary bathroom and kitchen, two double bedrooms and ....
Property Type: Property To Let
Deposit Required: 0.00
Monthly Price: 500.00
Holding deposit: 0.00
Location/County: Hamilton, Lanarkshire
Bedrooms: 2
Price & Availability: [check Saffronhall Lane now]
   Victoria Street
Victoria Street
Description: Description of Property Victoria Street sits in a quiet area off the centre of Perth. This traditional first floor apartment has been recently renovated to the Ivylets high standard, whilst keeping the original features of high ceilin....
Property Type: Property To Let
Deposit Required: 0.00
Monthly Price: 595.00
Holding deposit: 0.00
Location/County: Perth, Perthshire
Bedrooms: 3
Price & Availability: [check Victoria Street now]
   Parmelia Court
more Description: Description of Property This apartment is situated in a quiet residential area within five minutes walk from Perth centre. The spacious ground floor flat has two double bedrooms and a large dining kitchen, as well as a front faci....
Property Type: Property To Let
Deposit Required: 0.00
Monthly Price: 500.00
Holding deposit: 0.00
Location/County: Perth, Perthshire
Bedrooms: 2
Price & Availability: [check Parmelia Court now]
   Horner’s Lane
Horner’s Lane
Description: Description of Property This city centre flat is situated on the first floor and comprises of one double bedroom, a kitchen, bathroom and separate living area. It has been recently renovated both internally and externally....
Property Type: Property To Let
Deposit Required: 0.00
Monthly Price: 395.00
Holding deposit: 0.00
Location/County: Perth, Perthshire
Bedrooms: 1
Price & Availability: [check Horner’s Lane now]